We loved this article about the rise of “no code” platforms that appeared in Silicon Prairie News earlier this month.
It might sound counterintuitive for an organization that operates a code school — for the express purpose of teaching people how to code — would celebrate something that takes the coder out of the equation. But it’s not. “No code” apps often spark an interest in the real thing and inspire people to learn how to code — the traditional way, the one that opens up a new world of personal and professional opportunities.
AIM Code School Director Emily Matis voiced her support for no code development as a tool that can demonstrate how creating something new with technology might not be as hard as people think.
“We see people who dabble in building websites through these platforms and then want to take it to the next level and actually have control over their site,” Matis said.
As a nonprofit focused on building the tech talent community and removing barriers to tech education, we’d say that’s a win.