
AIM Institute Launches AIM Code School, formerly Interface: the Web School, to Meet Demand for Tech Talent

October 11, 2019

The AIM Institute is pleased to announce the opening of the AIM Code School, formerly Interface: the Web School. AIM Code School is the region’s only federally accredited nonprofit code school, offering night classes in web development, full-stack programming, data science and corporate training. AIM Code School also provides job placement services for each student via a dedicated tech career navigator.

Although operating continuously since the AIM Institute acquired the school in 2017 (then known as Interface: the Web School), AIM Code School’s rebranding signals its alignment with the array of services that AIM provides to the community. (AIM an innovative not-for-profit that grows, connects and inspires the tech talent ecosystem through career development and educational programs.)

Omaha faces a serious shortage of tech talent workers. A March 31 article in the Omaha World-Herald gathered testimony from multiple businesses in the area regarding the difficulty of finding enough skilled tech workers to satisfy demand.

Dr. Kandace Miller, Executive Director of the AIM Institute, said AIM Code School helps organizations meet that demand by developing the necessary talent, and then directly connects that talent with businesses that need it.

Dr. Miller said: “Businesses continue to express their concerns about the lack of skilled tech workers in our region. The tech talent gap often deters new businesses from investing here. At the same time, we have too many underemployed individuals working two or three jobs just to make ends meet. That’s not right. AIM Code School helps solve both of these critical structural problems: closing the tech talent gap for organizations, and outfitting workers with the skills and connections necessary to find a higher-paying job, earn a living wage and improve their quality of life.” 

Unlike other code schools, AIM Code School actively partners with community organizations to find individuals who need new job skills. AIM Code School Director Krystal Rider has developed partnerships with multiple agencies working to improve the quality of life for all people, including Heartland Workforce Solutions and Urban League of Nebraska.

“Our community connections, our teachers, and our tech career navigators distinguish us,” Rider said. “Technology touches everything. Understanding how technology works, and participating in its development, is increasingly vital for people, especially for those in search of a rewarding job and a sustainable future.”

Keith Station, Director of Business Relations for Heartland Workforce Solutions, said, “Code schools are an underrated educational training and certification opportunity, and we have one of the finest programs out there, right here in our backyard.”

Heartland Workforce Solutions has been working with AIM Code School to develop 3 registered apprenticeship programs for in-demand tech positions: application development technician, database technician, and help desk technician. These programs will allow participants to learn on the job while pursuing additional specialized training through AIM Code School. 

Station praised AIM’s versatility as a tech industry representative, workforce development stakeholder and educational training provider. He said, “The intersection of these three roles has produced a really innovative strategy to create a boot camp pipeline that trains, certifies, and ultimately makes direct connections between career-seekers and high-demand tech career pathways, a true win-win for all involved.”

AIM Code School courses range from 10 to 14 weeks, twice per week, and are held at the AIM Brain Exchange, located at 19th and Howard Street. Course information is available online at Questions about AIM Code School may be directed to  

For media inquiries, contact Tom McCauley at