Cultivating Empathy On-Line Training

An offering by Collective for Youth

In this workshop, we explore how and why to support youth in cultivating empathy, which is defined as “relating to others with acceptance, understanding, and sensitivity to their diverse perspectives and experiences.” Empathy is a skill that can be supported and built with intentionality for both adults and youth. Theresa Wilder, nursing scholar, outlines four specific qualities to being empathic: perspective-taking, non-judgement, recognizing emotions in others, and communicating understanding. Perspective taking is our ability to see the world as others see it. It is knowing how another person feels and what they may be thinking. Nonjudgment is our ability to remain objective and refrain from making comments that infer a person’s experience is invalid, bad, or wrong. Recognizing emotions in others requires us to look within and understand our own. We then compare our experience to theirs. Communicating understanding is when we check in with the other person to make sure we understand them and give them an opportunity to correct or clarify what they said. We are all influenced by our culture, identities, and personal histories. Knowing what we bring to the table when working with others experiencing emotions of any kind is a critical skill and requires self-awareness to ensure we do not unintentionally project our own emotional experiences on our youth. Being able to understand our own emotional landscape allows us to self-manage more effectively and be more empathic with our youth or staff.

Learning Outcomes

None listed
Start Date
28th October, 2021
End Date
28th October, 2021
Start Time
10:00 AM
End Time
12:00 PM
Technology - Operations/Leadership
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