Nebraska STEM Education Conference is July 22-23

An offering by Nebraska EPSCoR

Share and discuss ways STEM educators are using inquiry and problem-based learning to promote skill development in data analysis, modeling, and computational thinking in their courses.

This conference will promote collaboration between educators across the state to identify synergies and points of support. Participants will have opportunities to share, discuss, and continue working together with an experienced facilitator.

This event will include a full day of discussion, presentations, and networking. The second day will start with identification of common themes, problems, and questions followed by two hands-on workshops. The conference will conclude with identifying individual and collective next steps.

NEW: STIPENDS ($150 per educator completing the conference) will be provided via Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science, for the first 100 registrants who complete the conference.

Learning Outcomes

None listed
Lincoln, NE
Start Date
22nd July, 2021
End Date
23rd July, 2021
Start Time
9:00 AM
End Time
4:30 PM
Science - Astronomy
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