Summer Camp: Space Camp (6th-8th grade) by Prairie STEM

An offering by Prairie STEM

Were you excited to see NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover land on Mars? Did you know that we have multiple rovers on Mars? Do you look up in the sky and wonder what it would be like to land on Mars or vacation on the moon? Join us for an out of this world hands on virtual summer camp. Don't let the word virtual fool you, this camp will be hands on and full of fun, excitement and learning. Enroll your future astronaut, engineers and scientists! We will build robotic rovers (need a Bluetooth enabled device to control) add a variety of sensors, actuators, and effectors which will allow us to complete our space missions! The space industry is growing and there aren't enough people in these career fields, exposing students to the wonders of the space can foster the next generation of greatness.

Camp Supplies must be picked up the Friday before camp in the parking lot of the the Scott Technology Center in Omaha. If you know you will be unable to pick up supplies you may select the mail option for a fee.

Each camper receives a Sphero LittleBits Space Rover Inventor Kit ($199 value) to build and keep after camp.

Tech Requirements:

Bluetooth enabled device
LittleBits App
Internet Access

Learning Outcomes

None listed
Start Date
26th July, 2021
End Date
30th July, 2021
Start Time
10:00 AM
End Time
11:00 AM
Science - Astronomy
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